$99.00 USD

6-12 Starting Solids Months Course

In The Course You will

  • Know what foods to offer your baby from ages 6-12 months.
  • Know how much food to offer your baby.
  • Understand the difference between Baby Led Weaning and Traditional Weaning and know how to apply both.
  • Learn my Independent Mediterranean Weaning Method to get you to actually reach your weaning goals and not simply apply trends on instagram or follow outdated doctor advices.
  • Receive a food schedule for 6 months.
  • Receive recipes for your baby.

Please note that this does not include follow up emails. If you'd like to ask any questions, please email info@mirnaelsabbagh to book a 15 minute follow up session. 


Hi Mirna. I just want to say THANK YOU! I have been following you since I gave birth 2.5 years ago. I followed your tips and bought your 1 to 7 years feeding course. My son eats all the healthy food and he even refuses to eat junk or sweet food! Today, we offered him a Happy Meal. Not only he refused to eat it but he asked me for SPINACH instead! Unbelievable! Thank you! He even eats only small amounts of chocolate every now and then and stops after 2 or 3 bites! For snacks, he asks me for apples, pears, dates or nuts, never chocolate or chips. I'm a very proud and grateful mama! Keep it up!

Hello Mirna! I have been following your 6-12 schedule and my baby and I both got used to it It's truly a life saver! THANK YOU TONS for creating such an amazing course! You highlight a lot of things that people around me do not know about and didn't consider with their babies. My paediatric also agrees with everything you mention and she encourages me keep following the course. I'm recommending it to all my family members and the new moms around me!